Genealogy Richard Remmé, The Netherlands

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 #   Notes   Linked to 

Elizabeth ENSOR was bom on 12 Jul 172 1. She died in Sep 1799.
She was buried in Taylors Chapel, Baltimore Co., MD.

She was married to William STANSBURY (son of Daniel STANSBURY and
Elizabeth RICHARDSON) on 14 Feb 1740 in St Pauls Parish, Baltimore
NM.William STANSBURY was bom on 20 Jan 1716.

William STANSBURY was born on 20 Jan 1716. He signed a will on 5 Sep
1783. He died on 3 Nov 1788. He had an estate probated on 19 Nov
1788 in Baltimore Co., MD. He was buried in Taylors Chapel, Baltimore
Co., MD. As heir at law of his father who died intestate, William
conveyed some of his father's land to his brothers. On 25 April 1763
he conveyed to Richard Stansbury, son of Daniel, 100 acres "Popular
Neck" on Bear Creek. He also conveyed on 25 April 1763 to Daniel
Stansbury, son of Daniel, 80 acres "Prospect". John Ensors' will of
10 April 1771 named as daughter: Elizabeth Stansbury.

Signed Patriots list of Baltimore Co., Md, 1778.

The will of William Stansbury (will book 4 Balto. Co./pps 312-314) was
dated 5 Sept 1783 and proved 19 Nov 1788. In this will he leaves to
his loving wife negroes: Eddy, Rachel, Sarah, and Disk, and the tract
"Strife". to son William he left the tract "Honey's Meadow". to son
Abraham the tract "Richardson's Plain". To son Isaac he left 100 acres
of "Richardson's Plains and negro boy Harry. To Jacob he left part of
"Strife" and boy Solomon, to Elijah he left L100, the money John
advanced, first taken out, and to son John the rest of the tract
"Strife". He was married to Elizabeth ENSOR on 14 Feb 1740 in St
Pauls Parish, Baltimore MD.

From Maryland Genealogies, A consolidation of Articles from the
Maryland Histoical Magazine, Volume II, index by Thomas L. Hollowak:

"William Stansbury (Daniel, Tobias, Detmar) was born 20 January 1716,
and died 3 November 1788 in his 73rd year (Epitaph). His fathe dying
intestate, William as son and heir, made povision for two of his
brothers. 25 April 1763, William Stansbury of Baltimore County,
planter, son and heir-at-la of Daniel Stansbury, late of said county
deceased, and Elizabeth , wife of said William, convey to Richard
Stansbury, son of said Daniel deceased, tract Poplar Neck, 100 acres,
on Bear Creek, in Baltimore County (Balto. Co., Lib. B. U. no. L, fol.
350). Also 25 April 1763, the same parties convey to Danial
Stansbury, another son of said Daniel deceased, tract Prospect, 80
acres, on Back River, in Baltimore County (ibid. fol. 353). William
Stansbury married, 14 Feb'y 1739/40, Elizabeth daughter of John Ensor.
She was born 12 July 1721, and died 10 Sept. 1799 (Epitaph). Her
father in his will, dated 10 April 1771, and proved 11 March 1773
(Balto., Lib. 3, fol. 240), leaves a bequest to his "grandson John
Ensor Stansbury, son of my daughter Elizabeth Stansbury.""

Children of William Stansbury and Elizabeth (Ensor):

William, b. 4 Apr. 1746; d. 1826; m. Belinda _____ (b. 1750; d. 7 Apr.
Abraham, b. ____; d. 1811.
Isaac, b. 2 July 1752; d. Oct. 1792.
Jacob, b. 14 Mar. 1755; c. 22 Feb. 1812.
Elijah, m. (1) 27 Dec. 1779, Sarah Gorsuch, (2) 15 Nov. 1783,
Elizabeth Gorsuch.
John Ensor, B. 1760; d. 30 April 1841; m. (1) Mary ___ (b. 1777; d.
1800), (2) Ann __ (b.1783; d. 1 Apr. 1815).
Ruth, b. 28 Apr. 1744.
Elizabeth, m. James Edwards. 
Stansbury, William (I726417)

!Data Shirley & Patricia, Vet. Vietnam War, 6 children, Cemetery Records 
Grabill, Donald L. Sr. (I706612)


s. of Jan van Cluet (heer van Rivieren) * abt. 1245 - + 1283 
Aerschot en Rivière, Karel IV van (I140911)

Reed, Nettie Elsie (I724032)
Percy, William II de 3rd Baron Percy (I203766)
Source (S544)
Source (S4123)
Source (S4694)
124. Henri de Forville, 1400-1418,

fils d'Arnould, seigneur de Seron et de Merdorp (1), fut en adjudicataire du droit de pennage, échevin de la cour du Feix de 1411 à 1419, de Saint-Aubain en 1419, bailli de Wasseiges depuis déjà 1403 jusqu'en 1449, échevin de Namur du 19 février 1400 au 4 février 1418, des cours Saint-Aubain et Notre-Dame respectivement de 1411 à 1419 et de 1418 à 1429. Sa demeure était rue du Cul d'Oison ; il se fit recevoir bourgeois le 24 avril 1429 (2) .
Henri avait pour frères, Ernould et Bauduin, abbé de Floreffe de 1434 à 1444 (3) , par sa mère, il était parent de Will. De Dave.
Sa première femme Marguerite, était veuve de Jean Petit Boin, échevin ; de sa seconde femme Elise, fille de Godefroid de Juppleu, chevalier (4) , il eut deux enfants : Jean, mayeur et Josse, qui épousa Henri de Longchamps, échevin.
Henri ne vivait plus en 1447 ; sa veuve décéda environ 6 ans après lui ; il laissa ses biens à Henri Petit Boin, échevin (5). 
Forville, Henri de 1400-1418 (I154302)


Jean Ier de Châlon-Sur-Saône de Bourgogne-Comté Baron et Seigneur, d'Arlay [Parents ] est né en 1259. Il est décédé le 16 avril 1316. Jean a épousé Alix II de Flandre de Dampierre environ 1312.
Autres mariages:
de Bourgogne, Marguerite dame, de Vitteaux
Alix II de Flandre de Dampierre [Parents ] est née environ 1295. Elle a épousé Jean Ier de Châlon-Sur-Saône de Bourgogne-Comté Baron et Seigneur, d'Arlay environ 1312.
Ils ont eu les enfants suivants:
   F i Catherine de Bourgogne-Comté est née environ 1315, et est décédée environ 1359.  
Vlaanderen, Alice [Dampierre] van (I34596)
Dirk II
Hij krijgt 869 van Lodewijk de Duitser het woud Wasda etc in erfelijk bezit. + 880 
Friesland, Dirk II van (I345475)
E: (Kotechind) Gräfin von Merseburg
- nach 937
Nach Danuta Borawska Tochter des Grafen Liudolf von Sachsen (+ vor 912) <../../liudolfinger_ottonen/herzogliche_linie/liudolf_sohn_ottos_vor_912_liudolfinger/liudolf_sohn_herzog_ottos_des_erlauchten_+_vor 912.html>; Nichte von König HEINRICH I. <../../deutschland_koenige_2/heinrich_1_deutscher_koenig_936_liudolfinger/heinrich_1_deutscher_koenig_+_936.html>
Glocker Winfrid: Seite 352
"Die Verwandten der Ottonen und ihre Bedeutung in der Politik"
SIEGFRIED <../siegfried_graf_von_merseburg_937/siegfried_graf_von_merseburg_+_937.html>
+ 937 am (?) VII 10
Graf im Hasse-, Alt- und Westgau; Legat und "a rege secundus"
Aus der Urkunde Abt Folmars von Corvey von 936 V 26 könnten wir den Namen von Siegfrieds Gemahlin mit Jutta entnehmen (vgl. Codex diplomaticus Anhaltinus I, Nr. 2); doch ist diese Urkunde, wie Waitz Seite 208 feststellt, von nur zweifelhafter Echtheit.

Schwennicke Detlev: Tafel 149
"Europäische Stammtafeln Neue Folge Band I. 1"
+ 3.XII.937
936 Prokurator von König OTTO I. in Sachsen
urk. 25.VI.934
gründet Kloster Gröningen/Bode
Tochter von Otto dem Erlauchten Herzog von Sachsen

Schmid, Karl: Seite 133
"Unerforschte Quellen aus quellenarmer Zeit (II): Wer waren die 'fratres' von Halberstadt aus der Zeit König Heinrichs I.?" in: Maurer, Helmut und Hans Patze (Hgg.): Festschrift für Berent Schwineköper 'Zu seinem 70. Geburtstag'
Und es kommt dazu, daß damit noch nicht alle Gedenkbeziehungen zwischen Sachsen und den Bodenseeklöstern angesprochen sind, die als Folge der Gedenkstiftung HEINRICHS I. auf der Reichenau und in St. Gallen zu gelten haben. Man darf nämlich annehmen, daß auch der bekannte Graf Siegfried, von Widukind von Corvey Saxonum optimus et a rege secundus bezeichnet, sowohl im Königseintrag HEINRICHS I. (VII) als auch in einem der zahlreichen Einträge mit sächsischem Namengut der ersten Hälfte des 10. Jahrhunderts vorkommt [89 Er wird neuerdings, vgl. schon Schmid, (wie Anm. 22) Seite 222f., als Bruder des Markgrafen Gero <../gero_1_der_grosse_markgraf_der_ostmark_965/gero_1_der_grosse_markgraf_der_ostmark_+_965.html> angesehen, Wenskus (wie Anm. 13) Seite 387ff.; ebd. werden die zahlreichen Einträge mit Gero, Siegfried, Thietmar und Christian behandelt.]. Auf Grund der Schrift und der Eintragsposition im Reichenauer Gedenkbuch läßt sich ein von einem Sieghfried angeführter Eintrag auf ihn beziehen [91 Karl August Eckhardt, Genealogische Funde zur allgemeinen Geschichte (1963) Seite 18ff. hat aus diesem Eintrag Irminburc als Gattin Siegfrieds erkennen wollen. Sie müßte, weil die Gründungsurkunde von Gröningen Guthie nennt, schon vor 936 verstorben sein; vgl. ebd. Seite 20 und Wenskus (wie Anm. 13) Seite 391 mit Anm. 3417 und 3419.], zumal in ihm neben Siegfried auch die Namen Gero und Judith erscheinen:
X (Reichenauer Verbrüderungsbuch p. 59 C3-4):
(1) Sigifird - (2) Ceuuidiu - (3) Irminburc - (4) Ekehart - (5) Prun - (6) Kero - (7) Liuthere - (8) Iudith - (9) Liuthere - (10) Parto - (11) Hunon - (12) Himilker - (13) Meginuuart - (14) Friderih - (15) Reginhere.
Rupp, Gabriele: Seite 207,214,277
"Die Ekkehardiner, Markgrafen von Meißen, und ihre Beziehungen zum Reich und zu den Piasten"
Borawska hält es dagegen für möglich, daß Brun von Querfurt ein Cousin Gunthers von Merseburg <../../ekkehardiner/gunther_markgraf_von_merseburg_982/gunther_markgraf_von_merseburg_+_982.html> und somit ein weitläufiger Verwandter der EKKEHARDINER <../../ekkehardiner/ekkehardiner.html> gewesen sei. Sie sieht in dem 954 verstorbenen Ekkehard <../../ekkehardiner/ekkehard_graf_954/ekkehard_graf_+_954.html>, dem Vater Gunthers, einen Bruders des 978 gestorbenen Grafen von Arneburg namens Brun <../../wettiner/brun_graf_von_arneburg_978/brun_graf_von_arneburg_+_978.html> [92 Thietmar (III, 8, SS rer. Germ. N.S. 9, Seite 106) berichtet, Brun sei auf dem Rückweg von einem Feldzug gegen den KAROLINGER <../../balduine_grafen_von_flandern/karolinger.html>-König Lothar <../../balduine_grafen_von_flandern/lothar_koenig_von_frankreich_986/lothar_koenig_von_frankreich_986.html> am 30. November 978 an den Folgen einer Krankheit gestorben. Dieser Graf Brun wird mit dem "Brun comes" identisch sein, dessen Todestag das Merseburger Nekrolog am 29. November (Merseburger Totenbuch, Codex 129, Seite 16, in: Althoff/Wollasch, Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg) und das Lüneburger am 27. November (in: Althoff/Wollasch, Die Totenbücher von Merseburg, Magdeburg und Lüneburg, Seite 11, 37) Vgl. auch Althoff, Adels- und Königsfamilien im Spiegel ihrer Memorialüberlieferung, Seite 424 G 169.] aus der Verbindung des Legaten Siegfried und der Guthie. Und Brun sei wiederum der Vater des Brun von Querfurt [93 Brun von Querfurt starb als Mönch nach Thietmars Bericht (VI, 95, SS rer. Germ. N.S. 9, Seite 388) an einem 19. Oktober. Das Jahr ist unbekannt.] gewesen [94 Borawska, Margrabia Misni, Ekkehard I. i Ludolfingowie, Seite 948.], dessen Sohn der 1009 als Märtyrer gestorbene Brun gewesen ist.
Interessant in diesem Zusammenhang ist auch eine Nachricht von Petrus Daminai, der den Märtyrer Brun als einen Blutsverwandten des Kaisers OTTO III. <../../deutschland_koenige_2/otto_3_deutscher_koenig_1002_liudolfinger/otto_3_deutscher_koenig_+_1002.html> bezeichnet [95 Petrus Damiani: Vita S. Romualdi, ed. Waitz, Ph. D., in: MGH SS 4, Hannover 1841, Seite 850: "Hic denique regis fuerat consanguineus (...)."].
Reichenauer Verbrüderungsbuch p. 63, D 1-5
Heinricus rex, Mathilda regina, Otto rex, Prun, Kisilpret, Kerprig, Hadauui, Sigidrid, Kotechind, Ekkihart, Dancmar, Sigipret, Meginuuarch, Egino, Ekkihart, Prun, Theoto, Uuitolt, Kozmar, Uuipret, Kerlind, Liuza, Theotirih, Uuitechind, Reginholt, Perehtheid, Pia, Friderun, Amalrat, Sigipret, Ekkipret, Piso, Elllo - et omnes debitores eorum.
Identifizierung der Personen:
(9) Sigifrid
"gener regis" [16 Nach Althoff ist Siegfried nicht der Schwager HEINRICHS I., sondern der von König KONRAD I. <../../deutschland_koenige_2/konrad_1_deutscher_koenig_918_konradiner/konrad_1_deutscher_koenig_918.html> Dann müßte man jedoch KONRAD I. eine Schwester, die mit Siegfried verheiratet war, zuschreiben, die ebensowenig bezeugt ist wie die bei der bisherigen Sicht zu folgernde Schwester HEINRICHS I. Vgl. Hlawitschka, Nochmals zu den Thronbewerbern des Jahres 1002, Seite 464; vgl. auch Hlawitschka, E.: Kontroverses aus dem Umfeld von König Heinrichs I. Gemahlin Mathilde, in: Hehl, E.-D./Seibert, H./Staab, F. (Hrsg.): Deus qui mutat tempora. Menschen und Institutionen im Wandel des Mittelalters. Festschrift für Alfons Becker zum fünfundsechzigsten Geburtstag, Sigmaringen 1987, Seite 33-54.]
(10) Kotechind
Gemahlin Siegfrieds, Guthie, deren Name offenbar mehrfach mißverstanden worden ist, wie die überlieferten Formen Guthiu, Ceuuidiu, Kotechind und Cuotchind deutlich machen [17 Althoff, Amicitiae und pacta, Seite 112.]. Nach Borawka eine Nichte HEINRICHS I., über die die Verwandtschaft Siegfrieds mit dem Herrscherhaus zustande kam [18 Borawska, Margrabia Misni Ekkehardi I. i Ludolfingowie, Seite 948.], womit aber eine echte Schwägerschaft ("gener") nicht zustande kommt.
Hlawitschka, Eduard: Seite 95
"Untersuchungen zu den Thronwechseln der ersten Hälfte des 11. Jahrhunderts und zur Adelsgeschichte Süddeutschlands"
Sieht man sich nach solchen um, so wird man für den ersten dieser 15, Sigifrid, wie schon Schmid feststellte, sogleich auf den gener regis HEINRICHS I. Sieghfried [38 Widukind, Res gestae Saxon. II c. 2, ed. P. Hirsch-H.E. Lohmann Seite 67, zu den Ereignissen von 936: Sigifridus vero, Saxonum optimus et a rege secundus, gener quondam regis, tunc vero affinitate coniunctus, eo tempore procurabat Saxoniam.] aufmerksam. Als Schwager [39 Da der 937 verstorbene gener regis Siegfried ein Bruder des erst 965 verstorbenen Markgrafen Gero war - ihr Vater Markgraf Thietmar <../thietmar_graf_im_nordthueringengau_937/thietmar_graf_im_nordthueringgau_+_937.html> verstarb 932 (vgl. K. Schmid, Neue Quellen Seite 217; G. Althoff; Adels- und Königsfamilien Seite 26f.) -, könnte es aus chronologischen Erwägungen scheinen, daß Siegfried nur eine (erst nach 903, dem Todesjahr von Ottos des Erlauchten <../../liudolfinger_ottonen/herzogliche_linie/otto_der_erlauchte_herzog_von_sachsen_912_liudolfinger/otto_der_erlauchte_herzog_von_sachsen_+_912.html> Gemahlin Hadwig <../../liudolfinger_ottonen/herzogliche_linie/hadwig_herzogin_von_sachsen_903_babenberger_liudolfinger/hadwig_von_babenberg_herzogin_von_sachsen_+_903.html>) von Herzog Otto dem Erlauchten gezeugte Halbschwester HEINRICHS I. zur Frau hatte. Und aus dem nachgestellten tunc vero affinitate coniunctus (vgl. Anm. 38) darf man wohl folgern, daß diese Halbschwester HEINRICHS früh verstorben ist und daß sich Siegfried wiederverheiratet hat; vgl. schon Fußnote 8 zur Widukind-Edition von P. Hirsch-H.E. Lohmann Seite 67. Zuletzt war Siegfried offenbar mit einer Guthie (Jutta) vermählt; vgl. K. Schmid, Neue Quellen Seite 214f.]
Als Schwager HEINRICHS I. gehörte Siegfried (+ 937) in gewiß nicht unangebrachter Weise als die Schwestern der Königin Mathilde <../../deutschland_koenige_2/mathilde_deutsche_koenigin_968_immedinger_liudolfinger/mathilde_von_ringelheim_deutsche_koenigin_+_968.html> zur Königsverwandtschaft. Der zweite Name, Kotechind, stand ehedem im Zusammenhang eines Eintrags der Königsfamilie HEINRICHS I. auf einem heute verlorenen Blatt des St. Galler Gedenkbuches, sein Träger wird also ebenso im Kreis der Verwandten HEINRICHS I. zu suchen sein; in Kotechind sieht die neuere polnische Forschung - ob zurecht, bleibe dahingestellt - sogar die zweite Gemahlin des gener regis Sigifrid [41 D. Borawska, Margrabia Misni Ekkehard I i Ludolfingowie, in: Kwartalnil Historyczny 86, Warszawa 1979, ersch. 1980, Seite 933-949; H. Ludat, Böhmen und die Anfänge Ottos I., in: Politik, Gesellschaft, Geschichtsschreibung. Giessener Festgabe f. Fr. Graus, Köln-Wien 1982; Seite 154 und 164 Anm. 32].
Wenskus Reinhard: Seite 391
"Sächsischer Stammesadel und fränkischer Reichsadel."
Wahrscheinlich war aber Liutgarts Vater Thietmar, selbst ein Sohn des Legaten. Wenn sein Gut an den König als Erben fällt, muß er eng mit dem OTTONEN <../../liudolfinger_ottonen/liudolfinger.html>-Haus verwandt gewesen sein, worauf auch der Name seiner Tochter Liutgart weist. Nun hat Widukind von Korvey in einer viele Spekulationen auslösenden Stelle über den Legaten Siegfried gesagt [3416 Widukind II 2.]: Sigifridus vero, Saxonum optimus et a rege secundus, gener quondam regis, tunc vero affinitate coniunctus. Dies sieht so aus, als ob Siegfried zweimal verheiratet war, wobei er beidemale Frauen heiratete, die aus dem Königshaus stammten bzw. mit ihm verwandt waren. K. A. Eckhardt hat aus dieser Stelle in Verbindung mit einem St. Galler Gedenkbucheintrag als Schwester HEINRICHS I. und Gemahlin Siegfrieds eine Herminburch/Irminburg erschlossen [3417 K. A. Eckhardt (wie Anm. 1832) Seite 18ff.]. Siegfrieds enge Bindung an das OTTONEN-Haus wird auch in der Gründungsurkunde von Gröningen deutlich [3418 Cod. dipl. Anh. Nr. 2 (936); vgl. R. Schölkopf (wie Anm. 948) Seite 41.]. Die Gründung erfolgte merkwürdiger- und bezeichnenderweise nicht allein zum Seelenheil seiner Familie, sondern auch pro rege gloriosissimo videlicet Henrico, cum serena Machtilde et regia prole Oddone, Henrico, Brun, Gerberg, Haduwin. Hier wird als Siegfrieds Gattin freilich schon Guthie genannt. Die erste Frau war zu diesem Zeitpunkt also schon gestorben [3419 Auch K. A. Eckhardt (wie Anm. 1832) Seite 20 hat, wenn auch aus anderen Gründen, ihren Tod vor 936/37 ansetzen müssen.]. Unter diesen Voraussetzungen ist der Hinweis von K. Schmid auf die vielen LIUDOLFINGER-Namen der Reihen C und D voll berechtigt [3420 K. Schmid (wie Anm. 1019b) Seite 219.].

oo 2. Siegfried Graf von Merseburg
-10.7.937 (+ 3.XII.936/41)

Glocker Winfrid: Die Verwandten der Ottonen und ihre Bedeutung in der Politik. Böhlau Verlag Köln Wien 1989 Seite 352 - Hlawitschka, Eduard: Untersuchungen zu den Thronwechseln der ersten Hälfte des 11. Jahrhunderts und zur Adelsgeschichte Süddeutschlands, Jan Thorbecke Verlag Sigmaringen 1987 Seite 72,88,95 - Rupp, Gabriele: Die Ekkehardiner, Markgrafen von Meißen, und ihre Beziehungen zum Reich und zu den Piasten, Peter Lang GmbH Frankfurt am Main 1996 Seite 207, 214,277 - Schmid, Karl: Unerforschte Quellen aus quellenarmer Zeit (II): Wer waren die 'fratres' von Halberstadt aus der Zeit König Heinrichs I.?" in: Maurer, Helmut und Hans Patze (Hgg.): Festschrift für Berent Schwineköper 'Zu seinem 70. Geburtstag' Sigmaringen 1982 Seite 133 - Schwennicke Detlev: Europäische Stammtafeln Neue Folge Band I. 1, Vittorio Klostermann GmbH Frankfurt am Main 1998 Tafel 149 - Wenskus Reinhard: Sächsischer Stammesadel und fränkischer Reichsadel. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen 1976 Seite 391 - 
Sachsen, Kotechind von (I59062)
If this gedcom interests you please feel free to download it. Recognize that much of this information may be innacurate and is gleaned from many sources. It is not a 'scholars' gedcom. It is dynamic and we are continuing to correct and add more inf 
Schweickhardt, Johannes Philip (I707767)
IS HIJ DIT ?????????

E: Ruud Raats Arnoud I van Rode; overleden rond 1119.
Trouwde (2) rond 10 aug 1096, met Heilwich van Cuijk.
Trouwde (1) met
310972673 NN.


. 53067792 Arnold van Rode, geboren circa 1060, overleden circa 1119, vermeld 1095, 1096, 1101, 1103, 1108, 1116, 1119.
Gehuwd (1) circa 1090 met nn [van Valkenburg] (of Voeren), geboren circa 1070.
Gehuwd (2) circa 1096 met Heilwig van Cuijk (zie 53067793).
Uit het eerste huwelijk:
1. Arnold II, geboren circa 1090, overleden circa 1125, vermeld 1119, 1123, 1125. Gehuwd circa 1120 met Aleidis van Cuijk, geboren circa 1100, vrouwe van Osning, dochter van Hendrik van Cuijk (van Malsen) (zie 48252296) en Alverade van Hochstaden (zie 48252297).
2. Gijsbert, Graaf van Rode, Ridder, geboren circa 1095, overleden na 1146.

Uit het tweede huwelijk:
3. Rutger, geboren circa 1100 (zie 57213642).
4. Herman van Heusden, geboren circa 1105 (zie 26533896).

53067793 Heilwig van Cuijk, geboren circa 1075, overleden na 1128.
Uit dit huwelijk: 2 kinderen (zie onder 53067792). 
Rode, Arnold I van (I62431)
Went abroad (England/Ireland)



Genealogical memoir of the family of Montmorency, styled De Marisco or Morres
By Hervey de Montmorency- Morres

II. GEOFFREY DE MONTMORENCY styled Fitz Hervey, the son of Hervé. He came with his father uncles brothers and relations into England in the Expedition under William the Conqueror who gave him extensive grants of lands and constituted him Lord Chamberlain to his daughter in law Matilda Queen of King Henry I He was Lord of Tborny in Ely of Huntspil in Somersetshire and of a multiplicity of Lordships and manors in different counties and dying in 11 18 very old left issue by his wife daughter and heir of Walter hereditary castellan of Douay in Flanders a Sovereign loparch one of the chief commanders in the Conqueror's army which Monarch hestowed on him among a variety of other manors the great Lordship of Huntspil and Bridgewalter in Somerset Upminster in Essex etc Append HI IV V Text p 20 3o 3i 3a 33 34 36 37 74


Collectanea topographica et genealogica
By Collectanea topographica et genealogica 
Montmorency, Geoffroy fitz Hervé 'le riche' de (I350648)
16 Van Beynhem - Van Eck

Van de Poll - Van Lawick

Van Mekeren - Boucop

Van Puyfelick - Van Heukelom 
Beynhem, Adriana van (I150330)
17 Begraven Gijsbert van de Poll, Beer van Geerestein
ende Teccop ; de laatste van zijn stam, en sterf
den 11 April 1640.
zijn wapen is een met een dubbelen arend beladen schild, dat
een mandje met 7 pluimen (bet symbool der principaute's-muts)
tot helmteeken voert. Kwartieren, links : Poll, Wijhe, Delft, Pieck (?) ;
rechts : Amstel van Anden, Isendoorn, Ruytenborch, Rossum.
Geerestein is eene huizinge onder Drumpt, dat vroeger kerkelijk
met Zoelen vereenigd was. Gijsberts vader was A. van de Poll,
eerst gehuwd met Sophia van Mirlach, daarna met Catharina van
Amstel van Mijnden ; zijn grootvader heette Gijsbert, gehuwd met
Raphael van Wijhe; zijn overgrootvader was Herman, gehuwd
met N. N. van Delft 1).


Heer van Geerestein en van Tekkoop


Opschriften op grafsteenen in de
kerkgebouwen der Neder-Betuwe.
(XXVI, bl. 62-69.) Als kwartieren van Gijsbert van de Poll,
heer van Gerestein en Teccop, te Zoelen begraven, worden Nay.
(XXVI, blz. 66 opgegeven :
Poll. Amstel van Mijnden.
Wijhe. Isendoorn.
Delft. Rnytenborch.
Pieck (?) Rlossum.
Het vierde wapen links, zijnde een kruis, wordt hier vermeld
als waarschijnlijk Pieck te zijn. Onder het wapen vindt men echter
nog eenige leesbare letters, die in verband met het wapen er ons
toe brengen dat het vierde wapen Tengnagel is. Zoo als bekend is,
voert het geslacht Tengnagel in blauw een gouden kruis.
Poll, Gijsbert van de Heer van Geerestein; laatste mn van dit geslacht (I170598)
18 Entens Panser

Dulcken Canter 
Entens, Evert Bartholts van Mentheda (I170544)
19 "Morris, who was the eldest son and inherited Gwydir; he marri
ed Janett,
daughter of Sir Richard Buckley, Knight of Beaumaris, and dies in 1553. He
had one son, John, by this marriage, who succeeded him in the Nantconway
estates, and who was knighted by King Henry VIII in 1611.
from "The Wynnes" by T. B. Deem, 1907, pg. 183

Morys represented the county of Carnarvon, in the Parliaments which commenced on
October 5th, 1553; April 5th, 1554; January 23rd, 1558-9; and January 11th
1562-3. He was Sheriff of Carnarvonshire in 1555, 1570 and 1578.

Father: Sion "John" Wynn b: ABT. 1495
Mother: Ellen Lloyd

Marriage 1 Ann Greville b: in of Milcote, Warwick, England


1. Marged Wynn
2. Dorothy Wynn
3. Lizau Wynn
4. Richard Wynn
5. Elin Wynn
6. Caterine Wynn
7. Robert Wynn b: 1563 in Gwynedd, Caernarvon, Wales

Marriage 2 Catherine de Berain "Mam Gwalia" b: in of Berain

Marriage 3 Janett "Jane" Bulkeley b: ABT. 1531 in Gwynedd, Caernarvon, Wales

Married: ABT. 1548 in ,Caernarvon, Wales 1 4


1. Edward Wynn
2. John Wynn b: 1553 in Gwynedd, Caernarvon, Wales 
Wynn, Maurice M.P. (I154624)
20 Rutger van Erp, waarvan de Spaen de voornaam niet gekend heeft, maar die we vermeld vinden in bepaalde documenten, huwde met N. van Beest, dochter van Bartholomeus en van Gijsberta Pieck. (Gen van de familie Pieck, ook van Spaen).

zijn zoon zou zijn:

Robert, die volgt. Misschien moet men hier ook nog Coert aan toe voegen, gedeputeerde en baljuw van Beest en Renoy, verwant met de familie van Giessen, waarvan sprake is in een Ridder-Cedulle van 1555. 
Erp, Rutger van (I235282)
21 file:///E:/E-S009/genealogy/Grab_A_Site_downloads/euweb/tzmisc02.htm#berna

((b)) Maud Bernake (d 10.04.1419) m. (before 20.06.1366) Ralph de Cromwell, 1st Lord of Tattershall (d 27.08.1398)  
Bernake, Maud de dau of John Bernake of Tattershall (I267574)
22 A Mr. Roberto Fernandes has contacted me with the parents of Anna
Wischin. Mr. Fernandes is also related to Anna and would like to contact either her children, grandchildren or any other living descendents. If anyone gets to this page and knows these people, please ask them if they would consider sending him an email at Thank you for any cooperation in this matter. 
Resseguier de Miremont, Count Alexander of (I194389)
23 A Mr. Roberto Fernandes has contacted me with the parents of Anna
Wischin. Mr. Fernandes is also related to Anna and would like to contact either her children, grandchildren or any other living descendents. If anyone gets to this page and knows these people, please ask them if they would consider sending him an email at Thank you for any cooperation in this matter. 
Resseguier de Miremont, Eleonore of (I194388)
24 A Mr. Roberto Fernandes has contacted me with the parents of Anna
Wischin. Mr. Fernandes is also related to Anna and would like to contact either her children, grandchildren or any other living descendents. If anyone gets to this page and knows these people, please ask them if they would consider sending him an email at Thank you for any cooperation in this matter. 
Resseguier de Miremont, Count Klemens of (I194386)
25 Flavius Valentinios III was clothed with imperial robes in Ravenna
in 425. He died in 455. He fought against and bribed Attila, the Hun. He married as her first husband Licinia Eudoxia, daughter of Theodosius II, Emperor of the east (408-450) and his wife, Eudocia, who died in 454. 
Rome, Valentinien III (Flavius Placidius Valentinius) of empereur romain 425 (I57110)
26 Harold Hildetand or Golden Teeth, raised Denmark to an
unprecedented height of power. He conquered many of the neighboring states and his naval resources were very great. 
Denmark, King Harald of (I70560)
27 He settled the island at an early date and being a great legislator
as well as warrior, according to tradition gave his name to the entire island, which has since been corrupted into Britain. 
Siluria, King Brydain of (I106019)
28 John served as a soldier in the 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons
from 1774 to 1798; he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. 
Southesk, Lord John Carnegie of (I112620)
29 Provost of Perth; extraordinary Lord of Session (2/16/1539); Keeper
of the Privy Seal (8/8/1546). 
Ruthven, William 2nd Lord Ruthven, Hereditary Sheriff of (I10290)
30 Sir John Morden was born in 1623. In 1662 he married Susan, or
Susanna, the daughter of Joseph Brand of Suffolk. Morden was a prosperous merchant, a member and director of the Turkey or Levant Company and also of the East India Company. He was also briefly a Member of Parliament, and was appointed one of the Commission for a Survey of the King's Manor of Greenwich to define the boundaries and encroachments of the manor. Sir John and Lady Susan had no children, and towards the end of his life he devoted almost all of his fortune to the foundation and endowment of Morden College [Blackheath?]. It was set up for the relief in old age of 40 decayed merchants, and was intended as an almshouse for traders and merchants engaged in similar entreprises to his own, who had become destitute through no fault of their own. There is a story, persistent but probably untrue, that his desire to found the college came about because three ships of his own were lost at sea and only returned after a long period when all hope for them had been abandoned. He himself had therefore experienced the poverty that such 'Perrills of the Seas' could bring about. The foundation of the College cost £10,000, and he settled £1,000 per annum on it. Building began around 1695 and was completed in 1702, but the first pensioners had already been admitted on 24 June 1700, 14 to start with. Sir John died on 6 September 1708 aged 86 and was buried in the College chapel. Lady Susan Morden, was born in 1638 and died on 26 June 1721 aged 83. As a trustee and the sole executrix of his will, she had to direct the charity after her husband's death. Sir John had ensured that the offices of Chaplain and Treasurer for the foundation should be filled by members of his or his wife's family then and in the future. Failing this, the duty fell to the Turkey Company and after this the East India Company. 
Morden, Sir John (I173270)
31 The marriage was recorded the same day in St. Cuthberts, Edinburgh. Family F65323
32 William de Radcliffe of Radcliffe Tower, was Sheriff of Lancaster.
He married Cecelia de Montebegon, Lady of Kirkland, who brought to the Radcliffes the coat of arms: Argent a bend engrailed sable. 
Radclyffe, Lord William of High Sheriff Of Lancashire (I195798)
33 |-------VAN ITTERSUM, Willem
|------VAN ITTERSUM, Jan Arend
| |-------DE VOS VAN STEENWIJK, Geertruid Agnes
VAN ITTERSUM, Geertruida Agnes
|------VAN FOREEST VAN HEEMSE, Theodora Sophia

Gender: Female
Birth : 7 May 1854 in Ambt Hardenberg
Death : 17 June 1935 in Bilthoven 
Ittersum, Geertruide Agnes van Barones (I68929)
34 ......................CONTINUED FROM HANAH'S NOTES:

All went to work again to prepare for another year's crops, when on
May 1 we received orders from the Pennamites to leave the place.
They had a treaty with the Indians, and had hired them to come and plunder and drive off the settlers. Many of the settlers not wishing
to engage in any more warfare, prepared to move, some going to Connecticut, others went up the river about thirty miles to a place called
Bowman's Creek. We started the 18th for that place. The first day we went ten miles. There were sixty or seventy in the company, and
each one that was able carried a pack or bundle. The heavy articles were carried in canoes. At night they would unload and camp until
daylight. The second morning we saw a boat returning, and mother got a passage for my youngest sister, Sally, in a canoe, and
left Anna and myself to make our way the best we could with the others. We kept in their company until we came to Uncle Daniel
Gore's on Bowman's flats. We had driven down some stakes and peeled bark, and wove in and made a small room. Mother returned
in a few days. At that time father was at the assembly in New Jersey and did not return until June. After making their families as
comfortable as they could, the men went back to defend their rights. They had a battle and a number were killed on both sides.
They proposed coming together the next day. All laid down arms, and as soon as the attention of our men was drawn towards the
speaker their commander gave 'Order Arms' and they secured the guns of our men and took most of them prisoners. My brother
was one of them, and was kept in jail until there was a settlement with the colonies. Colonel Swift tried to fire the fort in their
possession one dark night. He was discovered and was wounded by a shot from the fort. His men carried him away and concealed him
until he could be carred farther. They brought him to our house, where he remained three weeks. He left as soon as he was able,
for the enemy were on the lookout for him. He started in the morning for Owego. That night there came a company and surrounded
our house; two or three came in so still that none awoke until they lit a candle, when the light awoke father. They asked for Swift.
Father told them he left here in the morning, and he thought him out of their reach for that time. They searched until they were satisfied,
then lay down upon our floor (which was composed of solid earth) until morning. Our house was in part, the one I spoke of, my
uncle's building of stakes and barks. After father returned he added another room of bushes and there we lived until November.
Then father and mother went down the river to get the rest of their goods, and left my three sisters and myself alone. The second
day we saw a boat coming up the river: we heard their voices, we watched it and it did not pass, nor could we see anyone. Being
accustomed to the fear of men, we put out the light, covered the fire and sat out doors most of the night. We were not disturbed and we
learned afterwards that they had been stealing plums, as there was a large plum orchard near.

In November, father, with two other families, moved about forty miles up the river. The season had been very dry and warm amd the river
low. Our goods were carried in canoes with hands to row them. The rest travelled on foot along the bank of the river. The boats often got
stuck, and we had ropes fastened to them to pull them along. All took hold to help, and some of them were in the water most of the time
while assisting in towing the boats. My uncle had the fever and ague and every other day he rode on horseback. His fits came on in the
afternoon, and Wealthy and myself took turns going ahead to wait on him while his fits were on. We would go as far as we thought the
company would go that day, then make what preparations we could for their coming. One night the boats did not come. The boys got there
with the cows. I carried a drinking cup and we all had our supper and breakfast from the cup. I had the saddle for a pillow and the boys
found their beds as best they could. The rest of the company came up about ten o'clock. They had had more than usual trouble with the
boats. After taking a rest we all moved on.

We settled near the mouth of the Chemung river, on Queen Esther's flats: remained there one year, then moved ten miles down the
river upon the opposite side in the town of Sheshequin. There my parents spent the remainder of their days, and there Grandmother
died in 1801, aged 83 years. At the age of 19, October 19, 1788, I was married to Elisha Durkee and moved to Scipio, Cayuga
county, New York, in company with William Patrick and family. One company had gone before us. They followed the old Sullivan road
to the head of Seneca lake. There they fixed up some boats left by the army and went down the lake, and from Seneca river up the
outlet of Cayuga lake. Our boat was leaky and we had to unload and caulk it often and dry our clothes. We had but little, and it took
but little time to unload. We would go ashore and camp at night. When we arrived at our destined place, Mr. Durkee drove down
two stakes in front of a large log, put up some poles, covered the top with bark and set up branches at the end. There we spent
the summer of 1789. In the fall we built a log house on the east shore of Cayuga lake, about half way between Aurora and where
Savannah now stands. All the boards used were split and hewed. In December I gave birth to a daughter (Betsey Durkee Sweetland).
She was the first white child born in the town of Scipio. We lived there two years, during which time it had become settled all along the
shore for miles. Captain Franklin, who married Mrs. Lester, moved here and settled on a farm where Aurora now stands, with money to
pay for it when it came for sale: but not being able to see his neighbors starve around him, he had lent his money to buy provisions with,
so he could not pay for the whole. He agreed with a man to deed the whole and lease him half. The man had a friend who was willing to
join him in robbing Franklin of it all. That was too much for him: he became deranged and shot himself. It was a heavy blow to the whole
settlement, for he had been a father to all. We lived on the Indian reserve and got title of them in 1791. Governor Clinton sent orders to
drive off the inhabitants and burn their buildings and fences, and we were again compelled to be homeless. Our house was burned as
well as those of all others. I had two children at that time. I remained there and cooked by the fire of our house one week, then started
on horseback with my children for Sheshequin. Mr. Durkee built a rail pen, chinked it with buckwheat straw, and remained there
throughout the winter to care for his cattle. In the spring he moved to the old Watkins farm at Scipioville and lived there one year.
Then he bought a farm of 200 acres at Gilberry Tracy at $1.25 an acre, one mile west and one mile south of what is called Scipio Center.

Elisha Durkee's mother's maiden name was Molly Benjamin. Her father was sent to England as a representative of the Connecticut colonies,
was taken sick and died there. His grandmother's maiden name was Molton. She was a Scotch woman and noted doctress." 
Family F43964
35 3rd Baron of Ixworth William le Blount was the son of 2nd Baron of Ixworth Gilbert le Blount and Alicia de Colekirke.1 3rd Baron of Ixworth William le Blount had Exning at Suffolk, England.2 He was son of Gilbert Blund.3 Also called William Blund.2 Also called Willelm Blund.3 He married _____ de Montcanisy, daughter of Hubert II de Montcanisy.1,3 3rd Baron of Ixworth William le Blount was born circa 1120?. He was Official of the honour of Eye under the future King Stephen.3 He was living between 1154 and 1189 In the time of Henry II.1 He succeeded his father as lord of Ashfield before 1166 at Suffolk, England.3 He held the fief of his father in 1166.4 He died circa 1169.3 Blount, William le 3rd Baron of Ixworth (I77907)
36 A "gentleman" who held lands in Melling, Maghull, Kirkby, Aughton,
Haskayne and Downholland. 
Bootle-Wilbraham, Barbara Ann (I177730)
37 A chapel was erected in 1455 on the southern side of St. Audöen's
Church by Roland Fitz Eustace, Baron of Portlester, whose wife, Margaret, daughter of Jenico D'Artois, was interred here under a large table monument, bearing the recumbent effigies of a knight in armour with his lady, and encircled on the margin with the following inscription in Gothic letters:- "Orate pro animâ Rolandi Fitz Eustace de Portlester, qui hunc locum sive Capellam dedit, in honorem beatae Mariae virginis; etiam pro animâ Margaritae uxoris suae, et pro animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum, Anno Dom. 1455." Although this monument exhibits a sepulchral effigy of its founder, we may observe, that Sir Roland Fitz Eustace was interred in the Abbey of Kilcullen. 
Eustace, Rowland 1st Baron of Portlester (I173450)
38 A desendant on her father's side in the thirty-first generation of Charlemagne, Frankish king and Roman emperor, by his wife Hildegarde, daughter of the Swabian duke Godfrey; in the thrity-second of Pepin the Short, the first Carlovingian king of the Franks; in the thirty-fourth of Pepin of Heristal, mayor of the palace under the last Merovingian kings, who died A.D. 714.
IDNO 2537 
Lake, Martha (I360424)
39 A Mr. Roberto Fernandes has contacted me with the parents of Anna
Wischin. Mr. Fernandes is also related to Anna and would like to contact either her children, grandchildren or any other living descendents. If anyone gets to this page and knows these people, please ask them if they would consider sending him an email at Thank you for any cooperation in this matter. 
Wischin, Anna (I194384)
40 Adopted the name Wallop on succeeding to the title.

Isaac Newton Fellowes later Wallop, 5th Earl of Portsmouth (1825– 1891) resumed the name of Wallop when he succeeded to the peerage.

Children of Isaac Newton Wallop, 5th Earl of Portsmouth and Lady Eveline Alicia Juliana Herbert

Lady Rosamond Alicia Wallop+3 d. 19 Nov 1935
Lady Eveline Camilla Wallop2 d. 13 Sep 1894
Lady Catherine Henrietta Wallop+2 d. 21 Aug 1935
Lady Dorothea Hester Bluett Wallop+2 d. 29 Dec 1906
Lady Gwendolen Margaret Wallop+2 d. 14 Feb 1943
Lady Henrietta Anna Wallop2 d. 28 Feb 1932
Newton Wallop, 6th Earl of Portsmouth2 b. 19 Jan 1856, d. 4 Dec 1917
John Fellowes Wallop, 7th Earl of Portsmouth2 b. 27 Dec 1859, d. 7 Sep 1925
Oliver Henry Wallop, 8th Earl of Portsmouth+2 b. 13 Jan 1861, d. 10 Feb 1943
Hon. Robert Gerard Valoynes Wallop2 b. 6 Jul 1864, d. 22 Aug 1940
Rev. Hon. Arthur George Edward Wallop2 b. 12 Oct 1867, d. 22 Dec 1898
Hon. Frederick Henry Arthur Wallop2 b. 16 Feb 1870, d. 9 Aug 1953 
Wallop, Isaac Newton 5th earl of Portsmouth (I184364)
41 Aedd Mawr; King Edward The Great, who appears to have lived ca. 1300
Siluria, King Aedd Mawr of (I106449)
42 Although the older Peerage writers believed that Sir John was the
son of William Livingston, it is more likely that he was a younger brother. He succeeded to the family estates before his second marriage in 1381. He was knighted between 1381 and February 13, 1390.

In January 1399, the Duke of Rothesay was appointed King’s Lieutenant for a period of three years. Sir John was appointed one of the Duke’s Council. He was one of the feudal barons whose support to the Crown was secured by the payment of annuities out of the Royal Exchequer. In July 1402, he audited the accounts of the customars and bailies and of the account of Robert, Duke of Albany. He was killed at the battle of Homildon Hill in September 14, 1402. 
Livingstone, John of Callendar (I77197)
43 Alwin's first notice is a charter granting the lands of Cochnach and
others to the church of Kilpatrick. The charter is of uncertain date, and can be fixed only as between 1182 - 1199. Alwin's sons, Maldouen and Malcolm witnessed the charter. He bestowed the church and church lands of Campale to the church of Glasgow between 1208 - 1214. At an unknown date, Alwin granted the lands of Luss to Maldouen dean of Lennox, who may have been a relative. The lands of Luss came to the Colquhoun family through marriage. He died before 1217 when his son Maldouen seems to have been earl. 
Lennox, Alwin, 2nd earl of (I208368)
44 An irreclaimable drunkard, deposed by his subjects for setting fire
just before harvest to the cornfields of Siluria, now Monmouthshire, England. 
Siluria, King Ceraint Feddw of (I105317)
45 Appeared in silent home movies with Charlie Chaplin and her husband
made in
Hollywood. She was easily bored while her husband was away in the navy and
had a series of well known affairs. She is reputed to have had an affair with
Nehru, prime minister of India. 
Ashley, The Hon. Edwina Cynthia Annette (I27248)
46 Archibald fought alongside his cousin, William Douglas, 1st earl, at
the Battle of Poitiers against the English on September 19, 1356. He was warden of the Marches from 1368 - 1400.

3rd Earl of Douglas, Earl of Wigtown, Lord of Douglas, Lord of Bothwell and Lord of Galloway

Douglas, Archibald "the Grim" 3rd Earl of Douglas (I40410)
47 Assumed the name of Saunderson in 1723.



((4)) Thomas Lumley-Saunderson, 3rd Earl of Scarborough (b c1691, 15.03.1752)
Thomas inherited estates from his cousin James Saunderson, Earl of Castleton, whose mother's sister was mother of Thomas's mother Frances Jones.
m. (27.06.1724) Frances Hamilton (d 27.12.1772, dau of George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney)  
Lumley-Saunderson, Thomas 3rd Earl of Scarbrough (I184790)
48 Assumed the surname Savile. Lumley, Frederick Lumley-Savile ; of Tickhill Castle (I186183)
49 Attorney General to King Henry VIII. Roper, Sir John of Eltham (I187910)
50 Baran Caswallon, was King at the time of the Roman invasion. The
antagonist of Caesar, he successfully repulsed the armies of the ablest general of antiquity, the conquerors of Europe, Asia and Africa. He continued to reign after the invasion for seven years. King reigned from Wheathampstead, Herts 62-48 b.c. 
Siluria, Beran (Baran) Ap Ceri Caswallan of (I172285)

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