
 This section might be of interest to some visitors. I do hope to perform regular updates.

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Online 690.000+ database

Updated by R.H. Remmé on November 4, 2018

The main part of this section is the online database with over 690.000 individuals (and it is still growing). Because it is humanly impossible to personally check and verify all the information, the database does contain errors, mistakes, falsifications etc. Use of any of the data is therefore at your own risk. Comments, corrections, additions etc are much appriciated.
Take me there...

Download the entire database (last update 30 Sept 2016) in a zipped GEDCOM file ...

Pedigree chart

Posted by R.H. Remmé on August 10, 2014
A chinese dragon

Given time, here you will find a graphical (html) presentation of my pedrigree. going way back as far (and beyond) the medieval dark ages. The program I shall be using is a nifty little piece of work called Genealogica Grafica. It is free for download and I suggest you have a look at it.

Wish/to do list

Posted by R.H. Remmé on August 20, 2014

* Blahdieblahbla ...


Random foliage

My paternal grandmother (living in Haarlem) was a 'van Amstel', descendant from that (in)famous Dutch family. Any information concerning her ancestors and relatives is appriciated.

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